Aperçu de l'entreprise
PKH Partner Brad Groff Featured in Super Lawyers
Brad Groff, a Partner at PKH, was prominently featured in an online article by Super Lawyers. This recognition underscores Brad's outstanding expertise and contributions to the field of intellectual property law, and even focuses on his career prior to becoming an intellectual property attorney.
PKH Announces Promotion of Andrea Nguyen to Partner
Perilla Knox & Hildebrandt LLP is pleased to announce the promotion of Andrea Nguyen to Partner. With a proven track record of excellence in intellectual property litigation, Andrea has consistently demonstrated exceptional legal expertise and dedication to client success.
PKH Strengthens Mechanical Patent Prosecution Practice with Addition of Three Accomplished Attorneys
PKH proudly announces the expansion of its Mechanical Patent Prosecution team with the addition of three well-known and highly skilled attorneys. The new additions, Brad Groff, John Greenwald, and Daniel Hong, bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to PKH, further enhancing the firm's capabilities in handling complex mechanical patent matters and serving our clients in the consumer products space.
Atlanta Chosen as Home for New Regional Office of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) announced the selection of Atlanta as the site for its newest regional office, a strategic move aimed at fostering innovation and supporting the vibrant intellectual property community in the Southeast.
PKH Welcomes Three Attorneys and Expands Litigation & Trademark Capabilities
Perilla Knox & Hildebrandt LLP (PKH) a law firm known for its intellectual property legal services, is pleased to announce the addition of three accomplished trial attorneys to its team, Cynthia Lee, Scott Amy, and Eric Maurer.
PKH Welcomes Steph Davy-Jow, PhD
PKH is excited to welcome Steph Davy-Jow to our firm. Steph is a patent agent and law student at Georgia State University College of Law. She also has considerable experience in the biotechnology and mechanical arts, regularly handling biotechnology applications for several prominent universities and having served as an outside patent agent for a multi-national liquid packaging corporation.
Alpharetta & Atlanta Inventor Statistics for 2022
Alpharetta, Georgia, known for its vibrant community and thriving business environment, has been a breeding ground for innovation and entrepreneurship. This picturesque city, located just north of Atlanta, has produced several brilliant minds who have left an indelible mark on the world through their groundbreaking inventions…
Unofficial 2024 INTA Atlanta Guide by PKH LLP
Welcome to Atlanta, the vibrant capital city of Georgia, known for its rich history, diverse culture, and southern charm. This travel guide will provide you with essential information and recommendations to make the most of your visit during the 2024 conference in Atlanta.
PKH LLP Celebrates One Year Anniversary
This week marks the first anniversary of the founding of Perilla Knox & Hildebrandt LLP. PKH was launched in March 2022 by three lawyers with decades of patent, trademark, and other intellectual property law experience. Today, PKH includes nine attorneys and a staff of seasoned paralegals and docketing personnel. PKH is focused on providing top-tier intellectual property services and growing a strong team of exceptional attorneys and staff.
Le Circuit fédéral clarifie l'attente raisonnable de succès pour les brevets liés aux logiciels
Le 15 février 2023, la Cour d'appel du circuit fédéral a rendu une décision dans l'affaire KEYnetik, Inc. c. Samsung Electronics Co. qui portait sur un litige en matière de contrefaçon de brevet concernant des appareils de fitness portables. La décision fournit des orientations sur les questions d'évidence liées aux inventions mises en œuvre par logiciel et par ordinateur.
La Chine cesse de délivrer des certificats physiques de brevet
Le 29 janvier 2023, l'Administration nationale de la propriété intellectuelle de Chine (CNIPA), l'équivalent chinois de l'Office des brevets et des marques des États-Unis, a annoncé qu'elle ne délivrerait plus de certificats de brevet physiques.
PKH accueille trois nouveaux avocats
Le cabinet d'avocats Perilla Knox & Hildebrandt LLP a le plaisir d'annoncer que trois nouveaux avocats ont rejoint le cabinet.
PKH est reconnu comme un champion de la diversité par le NCPP.
Perilla Knox & Hildebrandt LLP est heureux d'annoncer que le National Council on Patent Practicum ("NCPP") a reconnu PKH comme un "champion de la diversité". PKH rejoint ainsi des entreprises comme Meta, IBM, JPMorgan Chase & Co, Venable LLP, Eaton, entre autres, en étant reconnu comme un champion de la diversité.
Kenny Knox s'exprime lors d'une table ronde de l'INTA
Le 6 septembre 2022, Kenny Knox, avocat du cabinet Perilla Knox & Hildebrandt LLP, s'est adressé aux membres de l'International Trademark Association ("INTA") au sujet des dommages-intérêts punitifs aux États-Unis.
Les associés Perilla et Knox cités par Law360 à propos de l'automatisation et du travail à distance dans le domaine de la PI
Les avocats de Perilla Knox & Hildebrandt LLP, Jason Perilla et Kenny Knox, ont été cités dans un article récent de Law360 concernant le travail à distance et l'automatisation dans le domaine de la propriété intellectuelle.
Création de Perilla Knox & Hildebrandt LLP
Les avocats Jason Perilla, Kenny Knox et Thomas Hildebrandt ont annoncé la création de Perilla Knox & Hildebrandt LLP.
Next-Day Delivery Found to Constitute Sufficient Service of a CBM Petition
Unless the parties agree otherwise, service of a CBM petition may be by USPS Priority Mail Express or “by means at least as fast and reliable” as Priority Mail Express. 37 C.F.R. § 42.205(b). Other AIA Trial rules regarding the service of documents apply the same standard.
Federal Circuit Upholds PTAB’s Validity Finding Based On Arguments the Patent Owner Did Not Raise
The Federal Circuit held in FanDuel, Inc. v. Interactive Games LLC that the PTAB did not violate the Administrative Procedure Act when it found that the Petitioner failed to prove a claim obvious based on arguments the Patent Owner had not previously raised.
USPTO Proposes Changes to AIA Trial Rules
The USPTO has issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking with three proposed amendments to the AIA trial rules. The Office is proposing to amend 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.108(a) and 42.208(a) to be consistent with the Supreme Court’s decision in SAS Institute Inc. v. Iancu holding that the former practice of partial institutions was improper.
Recent Precedential PTAB Decisions - May 2019
The Board’s Precedential Opinion Panel has been hard at work designating several decisions as precedential. According to the Board’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), the Precedential Opinion Panel issues a precedential decision only for issues of exceptional importance involving policy or procedure. A precedential decision is binding Board authority in matters involving similar facts or issues.